Below is a list of terms used on the Conversifi platform and their respective definitions:
Bundles - discounted packages that can help you save money when you're buying multiple tokens (and sometimes a subscription fee); look for bundles on the right-hand side of the Payments screen
Coach - the conversation leader and native speaker; the coach will have a conversation guide on the selected topic and their role is to speak with the learner entirely in the target language
Coupon - coupon values vary; if you have one, you can redeem it to waive your subscription fee or add tokens to your account balance
Learner - the conversation will take place in the learner's target language; ideally, the coach and the learner split speaking and listening 50/50
Module - a guide that keeps the conversation on the right level and topic. You'll select a module before searching for a coach. Modules can take the form of a discussion, interview, or simulation (role-play)
Prep Sheet - a worksheet that will help you prepare for your session. There are prep sheets available for each beginner and intermediate-level module
Promotion - special times on Conversifi where you can receive double tokens or be entered in a drawing to win a prize
Scheduled session - a session that is scheduled in advance. Scheduled sessions take place outside of drop-in hours with a specific coach
Subscription fee - students must pay a term subscription fee in order have conversation sessions. The subscription fee grants each student access to the platform for the entire duration of their class/term. You will still need tokens in order to have sessions as a learner.
Token - the currency of our platform; you spend one token for each session you have as a learner, and you can earn one token for each session you have as a coach