1. Introduce yourself and remind the learner that they don't have to be nervous, you are there to help. Then set the topic and type of conversation - discussion or role play (simulation or interview).
2. Try to adapt the conversation guide to your own style and the learner's level. Speak slowly and in a simpler way if necessary. Don't forget to smile :)
3. Be emphatic! Be patient and encourage the learner while he/she warms up and feels more comfortable in the conversation. Use only your native language during coaching and don't hesitate to share how things are expressed where you live. Speaking another language is fun but can also be a challenge.
4. You will need to follow the conversation guide closely with beginner students, as beginners have very limited vocabulary and grammar skills. With intermediate or advanced students, use the conversation guide more as a backup, you don't need to go in order or cover everything.
5. Regularly ask the learner what questions they have about you or your opinions and let them talk more than you do. If someone seems uncomfortable with a topic, try to make it more general, or move on to another topic.
6. Ask the learner if he/she wants to be corrected more or less often. Use rephrasing (repeat correctly what the learner means) instead of pointing it out directly. If possible, give the learner a chance to say it correctly by asking a question.
7. After each session, fill out the form and write a comment to the learner. Everyone likes to get a note from their coach.